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Updated Match Day Guidance

Updated Match Day Guidance

Ben Armitage29 Sep 2020 - 21:25
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The YEL updated match day recommendations during COVID

Dear Club Members,

I hope you are all enjoying the return to Football, it’s been a strange month with COVID bringing about a very different look and feel to our grounds and stadiums across the country and at all levels.

We have been in dialogue with one of our Leagues and we need to take further steps to help ensure Football continues in a safe and secure way, also that we can demonstrate to Governing Bodies that we are able to adapt to this ever changing set of circumstances that we are all trying to come to terms with.

New recommendations have been put forward by the league and we will be adopting these as part of our COVID on site compliance, we have already implemented the Track and Trace, a legal requirement, we have one way systems in place, plenty of santizer in place across all of our sites.

We now have to take further steps across all of our sites, with effect from 3rd October only one parent or guardian will be allowed to attend a game or training, this will also apply to visiting teams, as a club we fully support these measures, we have seen large attendances at our sites over the last few weeks and this makes social distancing impossible at pinch points on our sites.

We will update our COVID policy and get that to you tomorrow. We expect your full support with the implementation of these new guidelines.

Club Secretary

Further reading